
Health Webinars

Farmworker Justice partners with other farmworker-serving organizations to produce webinars on a variety of health topics of importance to the farmworker community and its advocates.

HRSA Disclaimer: These webinars were supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). The contents are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views of, nor an endorsement by, HRSA, HHS, or the U.S. Government. For more information, visit HRSA.gov.


Addressing Mental Health Needs of Seasonal and Migrant Farmworkers Amidst Extreme Heat and Aging

Farmworker Justice and Health Outreach Partners present an insightful webinar starring our guest speaker, Dr. Javier Rosado, who delved into the effects of extreme heat and aging on the mental health of migratory and seasonal agricultural workers (MSAWs). This session explored the intersection of environmental stressors and the aging process, highlighting the critical need for targeted mental health support. There was a focus on identifying and fostering resilience among MSAWs and exploring how CHWs and enabling services can best support and recognize community strength and adaptability in the face of adversity.

Providing Comprehensive HIV Education and Care to MSAW Communities

Farmworker Justice present a webinar featuring our guest speaker, Rosa Rivera, exploring the challenges and opportunities in providing HIV education and care for migratory and seasonal agricultural workers (MSAWs). This session will explored strategies for raising awareness, addressing stigma, and improving access to healthcare services. Participants heard first-hand experiences of a community health worker in developing and implementing a successful HIV prevention and care program for MSAWs,while highlighting the importance of cultural understanding.


Approaches to Mental Health Care for Migrant and Seasonal Agricultural Workers

Health Outreach Partners and Farmworker Justice co-facilitated a webinar on the overview of mental health disorders and how outreach and enabling services can provide trauma-informed care to screen and support mental health in Migratory, Seasonal, and Agricultural workers (MSAWs). The webinar had a guest speaker, Dr. Javier Rosado, a Clinical Associate Professor at Florida State University College of Medicine who serves as the Director of Clinical Research for the FSU Center for Child Stress and Health.

Health Equity for Indigenous Migrant and Seasonal Agricultural Workers Virtual Convening

Farmworker Justice presents a virtual convening featuring various partners across the nation. The convening discussed shared knoweldge and strategies for reducing health disparities and addressing access barriers for indigenous migrant and seasonal farmworkers. The learnings from this conversation informed Farmworker Justice development of various publications.

Juntos Nos Movemos Training

This webinar conducted was an innovative training curriculum to help build healthy nutritional practices and increase physical movement for agricultural workers and their families. The training is part of our overall Juntos Nos Movemos Curriculum to help farmworkers and their families live an overall healthier lifestyle. Date: June 25, 2023.

 Examining Food Security in Agricultural Worker Communities

This webinar explored the causes of food insecurity among the nation’s agricultural workers and comprehensive approaches to address this problem. It featured presentations by Dr. William Kinsey, Director of Mobile Migrant Health Services at Family Health La Clinica in Wisconsin, and Lorena Marroquin, Director of Community Impact with FIND Food Bank in California, who discussed their organizations’ initiatives to address food insecurity and malnutrition in farmworker communities. The webinar highlighted relevant government policies and programs, as well as promising practices employed by health centers and community-based organizations to increase farmworkers’ access to nutritious and culturally-appropriate foods. English with Spanish subtitles. Date: June 13, 2023.

Climate Change and Its Impacts on Farmworker Health

Agricultural workers are on the frontlines of the climate crisis, experiencing the health effects of heat waves, droughts, wildfires, and other weather events. This webinar explored the impacts of climate change on farmworker communities, particularly the toll of heat stress, reduced access to affordable clean water, and the worsening of pesticide exposures risks due to higher temperatures. The presenters reviewed lessons learned and recommendations from our virtual Environmental Justice Symposium, held in May 2022. Date: October 21, 2022.

Agricultural Worker Health 102: Supporting Agricultural Worker Health

Health Centers serving the agricultural worker community are adept at addressing the unique needs of agricultural worker patients and families by developing innovative and strategic models of service delivery.  In this webinar, the Farmworker Health Network (FHN)–comprised of Health Outreach Partners, the National Association of Community Health Centers, Farmworker Justice, Migrant Clinicians Network, MHP Salud and the National Center for Farmworker Health–shares information on the most relevant current agricultural worker policy issues and explores effective service delivery including recent adaptations due to COVID-19. They also highlight training and technical assistance (T/TA) opportunities, resources, and promising practices to help support health center staff in the implementation of service delivery changes and adaptations when serving agricultural workers. Date: June 2, 2022.

Strategies to Support Farmworkers Experiencing IPV or Human Trafficking

On May 24, 2022, Farmworker Justice, Health Partners on IPV + Exploitation, and Migrant Clinicians Network, jointly hosted a webinar on healthcare responses to address intimate partner violence (IPV) and exploitation. Partners shared new tools and strategies developed with farmworker communities to address IPV and promote the prevention of intimate partner violence and partnerships with community-based organizations working alongside farmworkers. Presenters also shared tools and strategies to build resilience for frontline staff supporting patients experiencing intimate partner violence. Date: May 24, 2022.

“Language Access at Community Health Centers” Webinar – December 2021

Farmworker Justice and the Association of Asian Pacific Community Health Organizations (AAPCHO) discuss language access at community health centers. Representatives from three health centers – Center for Pan Asian Community Services (CPACS), HOPE Clinic, and Finger Lakes Community Health – share challenges, promising practices, and innovations in language access amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. Date: December 16, 2021.

Farmworker Housing as a Social Determinant of Health (Spanish subtitles)

Presenters discussed housing conditions commonly experienced by farmworkers and their influence on health outcomes, legal requirements that apply to farmworker housing, and strategies for health centers and other organizations to help farmworkers address housing problems. Speakers: Edward Kissam, Werner-Kohnstamm Family Giving Fund; Sara Quandt, Wake Forest School of Medicine; Nargess Shadbeh, Oregon Law Center and Mary Jo Ybarra-Vega, Quincy Community Health Center – Quincy, WA. Date: November 30, 2021.

Unique Partnerships & Strategies for COVID-19 Vaccines & Migratory & Seasonal Agricultural Workers

During summer 2021, the Farmworker Health Network (Farmworker Justice, Health Outreach Partners, MHP Salud, Migrant Clinicians Network, and National Center for Farmworker Health) conducted a National Farmworker Vaccination Assessment to learn about strategies and partnerships to promote COVID-19 vaccination among farmworkers. This webinar presents the findings from the assessment and features a panel discussion of health centers that showcase their efforts to vaccine farmworkers and prevent the spread of COVID-19. Date: September 29, 2021.

Domestic Violence & the Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Farmworkers (Spanish subtitles)

Futures Without Violence and Farmworker Justice hosted this webinar on June 8, 2021 with the participation of Alianza Nacional de Campesinas and Lideres Campesinas –a network of farmworker women leaders based in California– to discuss domestic violence and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on farmworkers who are also experiencing domestic violence. The speakers discussed innovative strategies developed by Alianza Nacional de Campesinas and Lideres Campesinas to improve access to information about the pandemic and the vaccine to farmworkers, including those who may also be experiencing domestic violence. The presenters also explored how collaborations between community health centers and community-based organizations such as Lideres Campesinas, that center the leadership and experiences of those most impacted by the pandemic, can improve access to safety and health care for farmworkers. Date: June 8, 2021.

COVID-19 Policy & Resources

Farmworker Justice and Rural Women’s Health Project discuss developments in COVID-19 policies relevant to agricultural worker communities and highlight a variety of educational and outreach resources on COVID-19 prevention, testing, and vaccines. Presenters: Isabel Gross, Gabriela Hybel and Rebecca Young, Farmworker Justice; Robin Lewy, Rural Women’s Health Project. Date: April 27, 2021.

Medical Legal Partnerships: Practices and Strategies in Agricultural Worker Communities

FJ and the National Center for Medical-Legal partnership (NCMLP) present strategies and tools for employing the MLP model to serve agricultural worker communities. Introduced by FJ Senior Attorney Iris Figueroa and NCMLP Co-Director Bethany Hamilton. Presenters: Aaron Voit with California Rural Legal Assistance and Dr. Caroline Kennedy with the Monterey County Health Department share challenges and successes of the Monterey County MLP. They also discuss how agricultural workers are at increased risk of exposure to COVID-19 and how MLPs can leverage the resources of the civil legal services providers to address barriers to health care access that have been magnified by the pandemic. Date: December 3, 2020.

Emergency Preparedness: Addressing the Threat of Natural Disasters in Farmworker Communities

This October 2020 FJ webinar features experts from Episcopal Farmworker Ministry in North Carolina and Vista Community Clinic in California discussing on-the-ground experience with educating and protecting farmworker communities against natural disasters, key partnerships and outreach strategies, and the roles and responsibilities of different farmworker-serving organizations in this process. Additionally, the session provides an update on federal policy proposals to prevent and mitigate natural disasters’ impact on the farmworker community. Presenters: Lariza Garzon, Executive Director- Episcopal Farmworker Ministry (North Carolina); Herminia Ledesma, Program Manager – Outreach & Migrant Health, Vista Community Clinic (California); Moderator: Iris Figueroa, Senior Staff Attorney, Farmworker Justice. Date: October 26, 2020.