Strategies to Support Farmworkers Experiencing IPV or Human Trafficking
On May 24, 2022, Farmworker Justice, Health Partners on IPV + Exploitation, and Migrant Clinicians Network, jointly hosted a webinar on healthcare responses to address intimate partner violence (IPV) and exploitation. Partners shared new tools and strategies developed with farmworker communities to address IPV and promote the prevention of intimate partner violence and partnerships with community-based organizations working alongside farmworkers. Presenters also shared tools and strategies to build resilience for frontline staff supporting patients experiencing intimate partner violence. Date: May 24, 2022.
On May 24, 2022, Farmworker Justice, Health Partners on IPV + Exploitation, and Migrant Clinicians Network, jointly hosted a webinar on healthcare responses to address intimate partner violence (IPV) and exploitation. Partners shared new tools and strategies developed with farmworker communities to address IPV and promote the prevention of intimate partner violence and partnerships with ... Read more Strategies to Support Farmworkers Experiencing IPV or Human Trafficking
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