Who Works the Fields? The Stories of Americans Who Feed Us

Who Works the Fields The Stories of Americans Who Feed Us

This report offers a sampling of stories from both U.S. citizens and legal permanent residents on farms. Although a majority of farmworkers today are undocumented immigrants, there are hundreds of thousands of legally authorized U.S. workers in the agricultural labor force.  

U.S. Department of Labor Enforcement in Agriculture: More Must be Done to Protect Farmworkers


This 2015 report analyzes the Department of Labor’s (DOL’s) statistics on its enforcement of the minimum wage and other basic labor protections applicable to agricultural workers on farms, ranches, and dairies. Widespread violations of the minimum wage and other wage-hour laws in agriculture harm farmworkers, as well as the many law-abiding businesses suffering competitive disadvantage caused … Read more U.S. Department of Labor Enforcement in Agriculture: More Must be Done to Protect Farmworkers