Heat safety training toolkit

Farmworkers rest and drink water in shaded area

Our farmworker heat safety training toolkit includes brochures, training guides and student handbooks on various aspects of heat safety. Materials are available in English, Spanish, and the Mexican Indigenous languages Mixteco de Guerrero and Triqui de San Martin Itunyoso. The Mixteco and Triqui brochures are also available as videos on our YouTube channel. These materials were … Read more Heat safety training toolkit

Sliding Fee Discount Brochure

Sliding Fee Discount Scale

A customizable brochure that explains the sliding fee discount program to patients, including answers to common questions about how to qualify and apply for the health center’s sliding fee discount program. This brochure was jointly developed by FJ and the National Center for Farmworker Health.

Migrant Health Center Brochure

Migrant and Community Health Center Brochure

A brochure for health center patients that explains what health centers are, the services they provide, and how to locate the nearest health center.

What Questions Should I Ask About My Health Insurance?

What Questions Should I Ask About My Health Insurance

A brochure that answers basic questions about health insurance, including covered services, deductibles, and co-pays. The brochure can be customized by health centers to respond to questions and provide additional clinic-specific information to patients.