Clinician’s Guide: Wildfire Smoke as an Occupational Risk Factor
Guide for Clinicians on best practices and policy to support agricultural workers exposed to wildfire smoke. Jointly developed with Migrant Clinicians Network (MCN).
Guide for Clinicians on best practices and policy to support agricultural workers exposed to wildfire smoke. Jointly developed with Migrant Clinicians Network (MCN).
Companion material to the training film Breaking the Silence, which aims to help farmworker organizations reduce sexual harassment and violence on the nation’s farms.
A guide developed by FJ and Health Outreach Partners with information, including strategies and resources, about developing or strengthening medical-legal partnerships in farmworker communities.
A guide explaining the basics of heat-related illnesses, including causes, symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment.
Guide for clinicians on OSHA’s Field Sanitation Standard and important considerations for farmworker patients.
Guide for clinicians on FIFRA and FQPA and important considerations for farmworker patients.
Guide for clinicians on the EPA’s Worker Protection Standard and important considerations for farmworker patients.
A paper for clinicians describing the reproductive health effects of pesticides. Includes clinical recommendations to reduce exposure.
Issue brief for clinicians on the importance of pesticide incident reporting, including barriers to reporting, the impact of incident reports, and steps that can be taken to prevent workers from hazardous exposure.
Information about laws and regulations to ensure health care providers meet the needs of their limited English proficient (LEP) patients. Includes a list of resources for further guidance.