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2020 Dairy H-2A ILRWG Letter

ILRWG Letter on H-2A Dairy Amendment

Letter from the International Labor Recruitment Working Group (ILRWG), of which Farmworker Justice is a member, opposing substantive H-2 riders … Read more ILRWG Letter on H-2A Dairy Amendment

2020 Dairy H-2A Amendment

Farmworker Justice Statement on H-2A and Dairy Amendment

FJ statement on amendment to 2020 DHS appropriations bill amending H-2A program to allow year-round work such as dairy. 

Sheepherder and Dairy H-2A Bill

Fact Sheet on the Dairy and Sheep H-2A Visa Enhancement Act

On March 14, 2019, Reps. Brindisi (D-NY) and Joyce (R-PA) introduced the “Dairy and Sheep H-2A Visa Enhancement Act,” H.R. … Read more Fact Sheet on the Dairy and Sheep H-2A Visa Enhancement Act

FHN Resources 2019

Key Resources for Agricultural Worker Health 2019

An overview of the Farmworker Health Network, national organizations that provide T/TA to health centers that serve agricultural workers, and … Read more Key Resources for Agricultural Worker Health 2019

Health Policy Bulletin Winter 2019

Health Policy Bulletin: Winter 2019

Summary of policy developments that affect farmworker health and access to health care. This issue focuses on green tobacco sickness … Read more Health Policy Bulletin: Winter 2019

Fact Sheet on the H-2A Program

Fact sheet on the H-2A temporary agricultural worker visa program. 

Fact Sheet on Immigration Reform and Agriculture

This fact sheet summarizes the link between different agriculture and immigration proposals. 

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The Unidos Initiative - Mobilizing to Eliminate Barriers to Health and Healthcare in Farmworker Communities

The Unidos Initiative: Mobilizing to Eliminate Barriers to Health and Healthcare in Farmworker Communities

A final evaluation report on the three years of work completed during the Unidos project. This project focused on preventing, … Read more The Unidos Initiative: Mobilizing to Eliminate Barriers to Health and Healthcare in Farmworker Communities

Fact Sheet on the Fairness to Farmworkers Act

Fact Sheet on the Fairness for Farm Workers Act of 2019

This fact sheet summarizes the Fairness for Farm Workers Act of 2019, introduced by Sen. Harris and Rep. Grijalva. The bill … Read more Fact Sheet on the Fairness for Farm Workers Act of 2019

Bluecard infographic

Agricultural Worker Program Act 2019 Infographic

An infographic in English describing the Agricultural Worker Program Act of 2019, led by Senator Feinstein and Congresswoman Lofgren, which provides … Read more Agricultural Worker Program Act 2019 Infographic