Domestic Violence & the Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Farmworkers (Spanish subtitles)
Futures Without Violence and Farmworker Justice hosted this webinar on June 8, 2021 with the participation of Alianza Nacional de Campesinas and Lideres Campesinas –a network of farmworker women leaders based in California– to discuss domestic violence and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on farmworkers who are also experiencing domestic violence. The speakers discussed innovative strategies developed by Alianza Nacional de Campesinas and Lideres Campesinas to improve access to information about the pandemic and the vaccine to farmworkers, including those who may also be experiencing domestic violence. The presenters also explored how collaborations between community health centers and community-based organizations such as Lideres Campesinas, that center the leadership and experiences of those most impacted by the pandemic, can improve access to safety and health care for farmworkers. Date: June 8, 2021.
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