Black Farmworkers in the United States: A Retrospect on Past and Current Events

In honor of Black History Month, Farmworker Justice hosted an online event, featuring a conversation moderated by Natalie Camacho Mendoza, interim CEO of Farmworker Justice. The event showed a film called “Pesticide Lake” and a clip from “Food Chains” directed by Sanjay Rawal. The discussion included the devastating effects of toxic pesticides on the farmworking community in Lake Apopka, Florida, and how they continue to affect Black farmworkers to this day.
Watch the event below to learn more.
Regarding today’s hearing of the House Judiciary immigration subcommittee titled “Agricultural Guestworkers: Meeting the Growing Needs of American Farmers,” Farmworker Justice President Bruce Goldstein stated: “The situation facing our nation’s farmworkers and food system is dire. At least half and likely more of our nation’s farmworkers are undocumented. These farmworkers are living and working in ... Read more Black Farmworkers in the United States: A Retrospect on Past and Current Events
- Organizational Information
Occupational and Environmental Health
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- Legislative Proposals on Agricultural Workers - 113th Congress (2013-2014)
- Legislative Proposals on Agricultural Workers - 114th Congress (2015-2016)
- Legislative Proposals on Agricultural Workers - 115th Congress (2017-2018)
- Legislative Proposals on Agricultural Workers - 116th Congress (2019-2020)
- Legislative Proposals on Agricultural Workers - 117th Congress (2021-2022)
- Legislative Proposals on Agricultural Workers - 118th Congress (2023-2024)
- Issue Briefs
- Issue Briefs
- Labor Rights for Farmworkers - Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA)
- Labor Rights for Farmworkers - Joint Employer Standard
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- Current Guestworker Programs - H-2B
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