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The Vital Importance of Oversight of the International Labor Recruitment System
Farmworker Justice and United Farm Workers (UFW) fact sheet on importance of oversight of international labor recruitment. Applauds provisions regulating international recruitment … Read more The Vital Importance of Oversight of the International Labor Recruitment System

ILRWG Summary on Senate Bill Improvements to International Labor Recruitment
International Labor Recruitment Working Group (ILRWG) summary of reforms in S. 744 that strengthen protections for workers against international labor … Read more ILRWG Summary on Senate Bill Improvements to International Labor Recruitment

Summary of Agricultural Immigration Stakeholder Agreement: Farmworkers and Agricultural Employers Agree on the Way Forward
Farmworker Justice's summary of the agricultural immigration stakeholder compromise in the Border Security, Economic Opportunity, and Immigration Modernization Act of … Read more Summary of Agricultural Immigration Stakeholder Agreement: Farmworkers and Agricultural Employers Agree on the Way Forward
- Organizational Information
Occupational and Environmental Health
- Emergency Preparedness
- Fact Sheets
- Field Sanitation
- Housing
- Issue Briefs
- Pesticides
- Webinar
- Webinar
- Work Safety
- Legislative Proposals on Agricultural Workers - 113th Congress (2013-2014)
- Legislative Proposals on Agricultural Workers - 114th Congress (2015-2016)
- Legislative Proposals on Agricultural Workers - 115th Congress (2017-2018)
- Legislative Proposals on Agricultural Workers - 116th Congress (2019-2020)
- Legislative Proposals on Agricultural Workers - 117th Congress (2021-2022)
- Legislative Proposals on Agricultural Workers - 118th Congress (2023-2024)
- Issue Briefs
- Issue Briefs
- Labor Rights for Farmworkers - Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA)
- Labor Rights for Farmworkers - Joint Employer Standard
- National Agricultural Workers Survey
- Issue Briefs
- Bracero Program (1942-1964)
- Current Guestworker Programs - H-2A
- Current Guestworker Programs - H-2B
- Fact Sheets
- Outreach Materials
- Webinars
- Community Health Centers
- Diabetes, Nutrition, and Food Security
- Health Insurance
- Health Policy Bulletin
- Issue Briefs
- Issue Briefs
- Medical-Legal Partnerships
- Outreach Materials
- Sexual Harrassment/Violence
- Skin Cancer
- Trainings
- Webinars
- Workers' Compensation