Report by Trump Administration Task Force on Agriculture and Rural Prosperity Fails Farmworkers, their Families and their Communities

Report by Trump Administration Task Force on Agriculture and Rural Prosperity Fails Farmworkers, their Families and their Communities

On January 8, Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue, Chair of the inter-agency Task Force on Agriculture and Rural Prosperity, established by President Trump, publicly released its Report to the President of the United States, which is dated October 21, 2017.

The 42-page report is fundamentally flawed because it ignores the interests and needs of farmworkers and their family members. While it acknowledges the existence of farmworkers, it treats them largely as economic inputs utilized by farmers rather than as living, breathing human beings who are vital to the economy and rural communities.

The report makes no mention of the word immigration despite it being of vital significance to the future of agriculture and rural communities.  The Task Force states that farmers are having difficulty finding workers who are citizens or lawful permanent residents to fill their jobs, and acknowledges that undocumented workers are being hired.  It does not, however, state the reality that at least one-half (and probably much more) of the farm labor force is undocumented.  In a major failing, the report does not recommend immigration reform that would grant undocumented workers a chance for immigration status and a path to citizenship.

The report ignores the relationship between the growers’ difficulty attracting and retaining adequate numbers of workers and the fact that agricultural work in the U.S. is characterized by low wages and lack of fringe benefits, high rates of injuries and workplace abuses, and discrimination in labor laws that deprives farmworkers of many protections applicable to most other workers. The report does not discuss the need to remedy and prevent the rampant violations of labor protections in agriculture that harm farmworkers as well as law-abiding employers.

The report suggests that the Administration will be making policy and regulatory changes to the H-2A agricultural guestworker program in response to complaints that were “well communicated by farmers.”  The report ignores the many well-documented abuses experienced by farmworkers under the H-2A program.  Nor does the report suggest why agricultural workers should be forced into a guestworker status with no path to democratic or economic freedoms applicable to immigrants and citizens.

Even when discussing the needs of rural communities in order to improve quality of life – such as addressing gaps in infrastructure, housing, access to health care and internet connectivity – the report fails to identify the particular challenges faced by farmworkers.  Instead the report focuses on the needs of businesses and farm owners or other rural residents.

The report briefly mentions the need for science-based regulations to ensure the health of consumers of food, but there is no mention of confronting pesticides and other occupational hazards that disproportionately kill and injure farmworkers.

The Task Force also lost an opportunity to encourage positive trends in agriculture by neglecting to discuss corporate social responsibility in the food supply chain.  Government should encourage companies that are responding to consumers’ demands for assurances that food production occurs responsibly with regard to the treatment of farmworkers in the fields.

Any report on the future of agriculture and rural prosperity should recognize the contributions and needs of the nation’s approximately 2.5 million farmworkers and their family members. The Task Force does not appear to have taken advantage of the informed views of many farmworkers and their representatives as well as numerous reports, books and studies about the needs of this nation’s farmworkers, families and communities.  This report, despite raising some valid concerns and offering some helpful recommendations about agriculture and rural communities, has failed the President and the public.

        Bruce Goldstein

        President, Farmworker Justice

        January 9, 2018

Read moreReport by Trump Administration Task Force on Agriculture and Rural Prosperity Fails Farmworkers, their Families and their Communities

NHLA Statement on Anti-Joint Employer Bill



WASHINGTON, D.C. – The National Hispanic Leadership Agenda, a coalition of 45 of the nation’s preeminent Latino advocacy organizations, called on U.S. Senators to oppose the so-called “Save Local Business Act” (bill number HR 3441), which the U.S. House of Representatives passed earlier this month and has been sent to the Senate for consideration. The legislation would undermine the effective enforcement of labor protections in joint-employer arrangements where a large company contracts with a smaller vendor, potentially impacting millions of low-wage Latino workers.


As explained in NHLA’s letter to Senators, HR 3441 would change the definitions of employment relationships under the Fair Labor Standards Act and the National Labor Relations Act, making it virtually impossible for a court or federal enforcement agency to hold that two businesses are both the employer – or “joint employers” — of a group of workers even when the two businesses share responsibilities for their hiring and employment.


“HR 3441 would undermine basic labor protections for millions of workers.  It also would harm the competitiveness of law-abiding businesses that do not take advantage of the evasions of labor protections that this bill would permit.  The bill would be especially harmful to farmworkers and other low-wage workers in industries where labor subcontracting is prevalent,” said Bruce Goldstein, Co-Chair of the NHLA Economic Empowerment and Labor Committee and President of Farmworker Justice.


“HR 3441 creates a massive legal loophole for companies to evade their obligations to abide by laws that protect workers’ rights to, among other things, collective bargaining, a safe workplace, and fair compensation. Workers struggling to make ends meet and provide for their families should not have to face worse wages and working conditions in order to pad the profits of large corporations. Senators should reject this anti-worker legislation,” said Hector Sanchez Barba, Chair of NHLA and Executive Director of the Labor Council for Latin American Advancement.  

Read moreNHLA Statement on Anti-Joint Employer Bill

Farmworker Justice Statement on the House Judiciary Committee Passage of the Agricultural Guestworker Act

Farmworker Justice condemns the passage today, in the House Judiciary Committee, of an amended version of the “Agricultural Guestworker Act,” HR 4092, sponsored by Committee Chair Goodlatte (R-VA). This legislation would replace the current H-2A agricultural guestworker program with a devastating new H-2C program, expanding employer access to potentially millions of vulnerable new “guestworkers.” The program would reach not just traditional seasonal farm work, but also would include year round jobs in many occupations, such as meat and poultry packing and processing, forestry, aquaculture, and more.

Adrienne DerVartanian, the Director of Immigration and Labor Policy of Farmworker Justice said today, “This legislation is fundamentally anti-immigrant and anti-worker. It would make life monumentally worse for agricultural workers, including the hundreds of thousands of U.S. farmworkers and the roughly one million undocumented workers currently doing this work, as well as the untold number of guestworkers who could come to the U.S. to labor under this program.”

The impact of this bill’s exploitative conditions would have a profoundly adverse impact on US workers because it allows employers to provide substandard wages and working conditions. As the new program erases existing labor protections, including crucial wage requirements, U.S. workers will be displaced or earn lower wages.

The bill fails to provide a solution for the many undocumented farmworkers who labor daily to ensure America has a safe, secure and abundant food supply. The legislation denies current undocumented farmworkers the chance to earn immigration status or citizenship. Instead, undocumented workers would be required to self-deport and would be dependent on an employer to sponsor them for an H-2C visa. Instead of supporting families, this bill would tear families apart as the legislation specifically and intentionally separates families by prohibiting family visas. This is cruel and senseless—to the farmworkers who have worked here for years, to their families, and to the U.S. communities they have helped build and sustain.

It is not surprising that the discussion during the markup turned to sharecropping and indentured servitude given the significant negative impact this bill would have on the millions of guestworkers who could enter the U.S. under this program. These new H-2C guestworkers would likely face debt, extremely low wages, dangerous living and working conditions, and extremely limited access to justice. Additionally, workers would be separated from their families and would have no path to citizenship, even if they worked in the U.S. for years.”

There is a sensible solution to address the impact of the broken immigration system on agriculture, the Agricultural Worker Program Act, introduced by Rep. Gutierrez (D-IL) and Sen. Feinstein (D-CA). The Agricultural Worker Program Act recognizes the value of farmworkers to the stability of our food system by providing a path to citizenship for qualified farmworkers and their families. The legislation would benefit not only farmworkers and agricultural employers, but also our national interest in a secure, safe food supply.

Farmworker Justice is deeply disappointed in the passage of this bill, but does appreciate the amendments offered by some Members that sought to improve wages and working conditions, ensure access to justice, provide housing, offer a path to immigration status and citizenship, and limit the scope and size of this program. While unsuccessful, these amendments and the debate thereon highlighted the devastating nature of the bill for all workers. Farmworker Justice will continue to fight to defeat this terrible legislation and to seek for justice for farmworkers, including an opportunity for immigration status and improved wages and working conditions.


Read moreFarmworker Justice Statement on the House Judiciary Committee Passage of the Agricultural Guestworker Act

Rep. Goodlatte’s Agricultural Guestworker Act Would Create Exploitative Guestworker Program

Washington, D.C. – On October 24, 2017, the House Judiciary Committee is scheduled to mark-up Chairman Bob Goodlatte’s (R-Va.)“Agricultural Guestworker Act.” Rep. Goodlatte’s bill was originally scheduled to be marked up earlier this month, but the hearing was postponed. Farmworker Justice strongly opposes this proposal.

Rep. Goodlatte’s proposal would devastate America’s current and future farmworkers.  By stripping away labor protections that evolved over decades in response to abuses, the proposed H-2C visa program would subject hundreds of thousands of U.S. farmworkers to job losses and lower wages, and would allow exploitation of vulnerable guestworkers.  Rep. Goodlatte’s bill also fails provide a workable solution for undocumented farmworkers, who make up at least half of the current workforce and are vital to maintaining our food and agricultural systems. And not just farmworkers would be impacted — the Agricultural Guestworker Act reaches beyond traditional farm jobs to include agriculture-related processing and manufacturing jobs, as well as forestry and aquaculture.  

Farmworker Justice Director of Immigration and Labor Adrienne DerVartanian said: “Rep. Goodlatte’s bill would create a massive new anti-worker, anti-immigrant guestworker program. This program would subject workers across agriculture and beyond—from the fields to the processing plants, from aquaculture to forestry—to low wages, poor working conditions, and exploitation.  Instead of providing our nation’s experienced undocumented workers with a path to immigration status and citizenship, the only option this bill provides is for undocumented workers to become subjugated contract laborers under the new H-2C program, a program that requires workers to regularly return to their country of origin and intentionally prohibits family members from joining workers.”

Hundreds of thousands of U.S workers depend on these jobs for their livelihood and work hard to make sure America has a safe, abundant food supply. This bill only provides the likelihood of displacement when workers are unwilling to accept the substandard wages and working conditions this bill provides. We are a nation of immigrants, not a nation of guestworkers deprived of economic freedom and political representation.  Congress should reject the Goodlatte bill and other pending anti-worker, anti-immigrant proposals regarding agricultural workers.  It is illogical to allow employers to hire more guestworkers without first addressing the need to legalize the hundreds of thousands of experienced farmworkers who are already contributing to our economy and society, many with U.S. citizen children and deep ties to their communities.

Our agricultural labor system deserves a real solution that provides a path to citizenship for farmworkers, as is offered in the Agricultural Worker Program Act introduced by Rep. Gutierrez (D-IL) and Sen. Feinstein (D-CA).  The Agricultural Guestworker Act would create an extremely abusive new guestworker program that would transform the farm labor force into a system of non-immigrant guestworkers who hold temporary work permits and are subjected to low wages and poor working conditions, with inadequate recourse for the  abuses that will inevitably result from the program’s inherently flawed structure.  

Read moreRep. Goodlatte’s Agricultural Guestworker Act Would Create Exploitative Guestworker Program

Farmworker Justice Statment on Goodlatte’s Agricultural Guestworker Act

Farmworker Justice opposes Rep. Goodlatte’s Agricultural Guestworker Act.  The bill contravenes fundamental concepts of democratic freedoms, equal economic opportunity, fair employment practices, and an equitable immigration system.  This bill would reverse the modest, still-insufficient progress this nation has made during the past 240 years in the way it treats agricultural workers.  The bill should be rejected as anachronistic, anti-worker, anti-immigrant and counterproductive to the needs of agriculture, rural communities and the food system.

The Agricultural Guestworker Act would create an extremely abusive new guestworker program that would transform the farm labor force into a system of non-immigrant guestworkers who hold temporary work permits and are subjected to low wages, poor working conditions and inadequate recourse for the inevitable abuses.  In addition, this bill would extend the guestworker system beyond the seasonal jobs on farms and ranches that have been the focus of current and previous agricultural guestworker programs.  The basis for allowing guestworkers in seasonal agriculture was the premise that it may be difficult to attract U.S. workers to such short-term jobs.  Unlike the H-2A agricultural guestworker program, the bill’s new H-2C program would be available to year-round dairies and to agriculture-related businesses that operate packing houses, processing plants, slaughterhouses and manufacturing facilities.  It also could be used in aquaculture and forestry.  This vast army of guestworkers would have no meaningful opportunity to become citizens of the nation they feed and support.  

America’s immigration system is broken and the agricultural labor system is in a state of crisis. A large percentage of farmworkers—at least one-half as reported by the Department of Labor—are undocumented immigrants.  As undocumented immigrants, these farmworkers are contributing to our nation’s economy and ensuring an abundant supply of safe, healthy food.  Their unauthorized status, however, causes them to live in fear of detection and deportation.  Most farmworkers have been living in the United States for many years and have children.  The increased immigration enforcement and the publicity around it have instilled tremendous fear in many farmworkers and their children.  In fact, many owners of farms and ranches are fearful that their farmworkers will be taken away or will leave as a result of immigration enforcement.   Congress should be taking steps to stabilize the workforce and provide greater certainty to farm owners and workers by providing undocumented farmworkers with the opportunity to earn immigration status and citizenship.  The Agricultural Worker Program Act of 2017 would provide that opportunity and is a sensible solution toward addressing the broken immigration system’s harmful effects on our food and agriculture system.

Rep. Goodlatte’s legislation fails to provide a reasonable or effective solution for our nation’s current, productive workers, many of whom are undocumented immigrants.  Instead of offering these valued workers a path to permanent residency and citizenship, under Rep. Goodlatte’s bill, the exploitative H-2C program is the only real option provided to the vast majority of undocumented farmworkers.  But, this path is only available to workers who are offered H-2C employment by an employer and requires them to separate from their families, as the bill explicitly prohibits family members from being given H-2C visas. Most farmworkers would reject such a harsh future and our nation’s food system would suffer deeply with the loss of these skilled workers. While the legislation purports to offer immigrant visas for agricultural workers, the number of visas available is extremely limited and not nearly adequate to stabilize the current workforce. Moreover, for the very few immigration visas that would be available, a workers’ ability to obtain an immigrant visa is dependent on the employer, setting up a scenario ripe for abuse. Finally, green cards would only be available to farmworkers able to demonstrate 4 years of past agricultural work and the capability to continue agricultural work at the time of application.  

The Agricultural Guestworker Act would worsen the effects of the broken immigration system and harm farmworkers’ well-being by stripping away protections against abuse that have evolved over decades of experience under guestworker programs.  The bill would establish a system that would not only be far worse than the current H-2A temporary foreign agricultural worker program (and far broader in scope) but even worse than the notorious Bracero guestworker program.  This proposal would implement a displace-and-exploit strategy.  Many current, productive, hard-working farmworkers – including U.S. citizens and lawful permanent resident immigrants — would be easily displaced by their employers with new guestworkers working under the substandard job terms this bill would allow.  Those U.S. workers who remained in agriculture would be forced to accept the low wages and poor conditions this bill would permit employers to impose.

The bill would replace the H-2A guestworker program’s wage protections aimed at preventing employers from undermining wages by hiring vulnerable guestworkers.  The new requirement for wage rates would allow employers to pay at or slightly above the minimum wage even in the many situations where the average or prevailing wage for U.S. workers far exceeds the minimum.  Wages under this bill would be cut anywhere from $2 to $10 an hour as compared to the average wages currently paid to workers. U.S workers who demanded a higher, market-rate wage could be rejected and their position could be filled with a guestworker.  And on top of this wage cut, 10% of a worker’s wages would be withheld to ensure the worker stayed under control of their employer and returned to their home country.  Workers would only be able to recoup their hard-earned wages if they meet multiple requirements, including the need to demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Secretary of Agriculture that they complied with the terms and conditions of the H–2C program.

Compounding these low wages is the fact that the proposal would remove any obligation for an employer to provide transportation and does not prohibit recruitment fees, leaving workers indebted from paying recruitment fees and transportation costs.  Because employers would no longer be responsible for transportation costs, they might seek workers from farther locations, meaning the workers could be thousands of dollars in debt.  Workers under the burden of debt would be even more vulnerable to exploitation and trafficking.  The bill further removes the H-2A requirement to provide workers housing – a requirement that is necessary due to the lack of safe, affordable housing in rural communities.  Workers would be shouldered with the responsibility of finding housing despite the barriers of language, lack of credit and income, and access to transportation.  Many workers may become homelesss, sleeping in the fields they are tending or crowded in unsafe conditions in substandard housing.

The bill would not only strip away longstanding protections that have evolved in guestworker programs to stem abuses, but would create new methods by which employers could take advantage of workers.  For example, should an employer fail to pay the proper wages, employers could stop the worker from suing in court for backpay and could force mandatory arbitration with the worker having to pay half of the arbitration costs.  

As workers in temporary nonimmigrant status, guestworkers are uniquely dependent on their employers for their ability to work and remain in the United States, making them vulnerable to abuse and exploitation.  They often will work to the limits of human endurance without complaint.  They have no path to immigration status or citizenship and therefor lack political power to counter the incessant demands on government made by their employers.  This legislation makes a mockery of our immigration system’s claim to fairness.  

Farmworker Justice strongly opposes Chairman Goodlatte’s Agricultural Guestworker Act as an unworkable, anti-immigrant and anti-worker approach.  Our immigration policy must be worthy of our nation and must recognize the valuable contributions of immigrants to our families, communities, and economy.  Any effort to address the immigration crisis in agriculture must focus on stabilizing the current agricultural workforce by offering an opportunity for undocumented farmworkers to earn immigration status and citizenship and by supporting progress in wages and working conditions for the people who perform the hard, dangerous work that helps to feed our nation’s families.

Read moreFarmworker Justice Statment on Goodlatte’s Agricultural Guestworker Act

Rep. Goodlatte’s Agricultural Guestworker Act Would Create Exploitative Guestworker Program

On October 2, 2017, House Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte (R-Va.) introduced  the “Agricultural Guestworker Act.” Farmworker Justice strongly opposes this proposal.

Rep. Goodlatte’s proposal would devastate America’s current and future farmworkers.  By stripping away labor protections that evolved over decades in response to abuses, the proposed H-2C visa program would subject hundreds of thousands of U.S. farmworkers to job losses and lower wages, and would allow exploitation of vulnerable guestworkers.  Rep. Goodlatte’s bill also fails provide a workable solution for  undocumented farmworkers, who make up at least half of the current workforce and are vital to maintaining our food and agricultural systems. And not just farmworkers would be impacted — the Agricultural Guestworker Act reaches beyond traditional farm jobs to include agriculture-related processing and manufacturing jobs, as well as forestry and aquaculture.  

Farmworker Justice President Bruce Goldstein stated: “Increased deportations and other immigration enforcement have exacerbated an already untenable situation for farmworkers as well as their employers.  This bill would  aggravate the unfairness and dysfunction in our current system.  Rep. Goodlatte’s bill proposes a massive new guestworker program that would deprive U.S. citizens and lawful permanent residents of job opportunities, lower farmworkers’ already poor wages, and allow exploitative conditions for new guestworkers, worsening labor conditions for all farmworkers. And instead of taking steps to stabilize the existing experienced, productive workforce through a path to citizenship for current undocumented farmworkers, Goodlatte’s bill would  substitute one third-class status for another by seeking to convert undocumented workers into subjugated contract laborers. Rep. Goodlatte’s proposed H-2C visa program deserves no serious consideration.”

We are a nation of immigrants, not a nation of guestworkers deprived of economic freedom and political representation.  Congress should reject the Goodlatte bill and other pending anti-worker, anti-immigrant proposals regarding agricultural workers.  It makes no sense to allow employers to hire more guestworkers without first addressing the need to legalize the hundreds of thousands of experienced farmworkers who are already contributing to our economy and society, many with U.S. citizen children and deep ties to their communities.  Our agricultural labor system deserves a real solution that provides a path to citizenship for farmworkers, as is offered in the Agricultural Worker Program Act introduced by Rep. Gutierrez (D-IL) and Sen. Feinstein (D-CA).  

Read moreRep. Goodlatte’s Agricultural Guestworker Act Would Create Exploitative Guestworker Program

NHLA Launches Month of Action: Rally today at the White House

On Thursday, September 14, 2017, Farmworker Justice president Bruce Goldstein will join the National Hispanic Leadership Agenda  (NHLA) for a rally in front of the White House to commence the Hispanic Heritage Month of Action.

The  NHLA,  a coalition of the nation’s 45 preeminent Latino advocacy organizations, is organizing the month of action with the goal of defending Latino and immigrant communities across the country. At the center of these actions is protecting immigrant youth, their families and all immigrants after the Trump administration’s decision to rescind DACA. The NHLA stands in unity with other under attack, including women, African-Americans, Muslims,  the LGBTQ+ community, and workers.

“These times demand that Latino and Latino-serving organizations respond by mobilizing communities to engage more deeply in the civic life of our nation than ever before. Farmworkers and their families feed us and we want to make sure farmworker voices, concerns, and farmworker-driven solutions are lifted up during this month of action, “ said Bruce Goldstein.

Read moreNHLA Launches Month of Action: Rally today at the White House

Farmworker Justice Condemns President Trump’s Decision to End DACA Program

Farmworker Justice condemns President Trump’s recent decision to end the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program.  “This action epitomizes the divisive, cold-hearted approach of the Trump Administration to immigrants and immigration policy,” said Bruce Goldstein, President of Farmworker Justice.  “The President is ignoring broad public support for the DACA program as well as the humanitarian needs of families affected by DACA, including many farmworker families. Congress should respond immediately to protect the youth who are participating in and eligible for the DACA program by passing the bi-partisan DREAM Act,” he added.

Terminating DACA places the nearly 800,000 young people whom the program allows to work and live in the United States at risk of deportation.  The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has also announced that it will stop receiving applications for the program. The potential for deportation for both current and potential DACA youth is acute due to the Trump Administration’s increased arrests and deportation of undocumented immigrants.   

DACA has played a critically important role for the youth eligible for the program, including undocumented farmworkers and children of farmworkers.  By eliminating the constant fear of deportation, DACA allowed aspiring Americans to contribute more fully to their communities and be empowered in their workplaces.  DACA recipients are integrated into our nation’s communities and workforces, including in our food and agriculture sectors.  The impact of ending the program will be deeply felt not just economically but also socially.

A majority of the nation’s farmworkers laboring on our farms and ranches are undocumented immigrants.  About one-half of farmworkers have children who have not reached adulthood.  Most undocumented farmworkers have been living and working in the U.S. for many years and are vital contributors to our agriculture and food systems. Many undocumented farmworkers and their children are living in fear of arrest and deportation due to the marked increase in the detention and removal of undocumented immigrants, including those without criminal records.

Since DACA’s inception in 2012, Farmworker Justice has collaborated with farmworker-serving  organizations to help farmworkers and their children participate in the DACA program. Farmworker Justice will continue to work with groups throughout the country to support DACA youth and to win legislation to overturn this unconscionable decision, as well as ensure that the fate of DACA youth is not used as leverage for increased funding for the Administration’s mass deportation plans, attempts to militarize the border, or reduce workers' rights. Farmworker Justice also will continue its efforts in support of legislation to create a path to citizenship for all aspiring Americans, including undocumented farmworkers and their family members.



Read moreFarmworker Justice Condemns President Trump’s Decision to End DACA Program

Latino Leaders: Presidential Pardon of Sheriff Arpaio an Insult and an Affront to the Latino and Immigrant Communities

WASHINGTON, D.C. – The National Hispanic Leadership Agenda, a coalition of 45 of the nation’s preeminent Latino advocacy organizations, issued the following statement after news broke that Donald Trump had pardoned former Sheriff Joe Arpaio.

“Less than two weeks after the white supremacist rally in Charlottesville, Va., Donald Trump’s pardon of Sheriff Joe Arpaio in the middle of a national emergency shows that the administration has a wanton disregard for the rule for law, and supports the extremist policies of brutality, bigotry, and racism targeting Latinos, and all immigrants communities. This is is yet another prime example of this administration’s anti-Latino, xenophobic agenda,” said Hector Sanchez, Chair of NHLA and Executive Director of the Labor Council for Latin American Advancement. “The right of a presidential pardon is one that should not be taken lightly nor used as an example of discrimination against an entire community. Today’s pardon signifies to every racist that this president will forgive their actions and supports policies of police brutality, racial profiling and general lawlessness. We strongly condemn this action and move forward — with stronger resolve than ever — in our work to bring justice and fairness for our community and all who live in this nation."

“President Trump’s decision to pardon Joe Arpaio, the disgraced former Maricopa County, Arizona sheriff, is an affront to our system of laws and an insult to the thousands of Latino Arizonans who were unfairly and illegally targeted by Arpaio’s policies,” said José Calderón, Co-Chair of NHLA's Immigration Committee and President of Hispanic Federation. “This blatant disregard for the law, coupled with Arpaio’s failure to show remorse, should have been enough reason to deny him pardon. What’s more, the absence of guidance from the Department of Justice, which typically provides the President with important analysis of potential pardon cases, cast an ugly pall over President Trump’s decision today. In the absence of legitimate reasons for pardoning Arpaio, it’s clear to us that President Trump’s pardon today reflects his endorsement of the former sheriff’s campaign of racial profiling and criminalizing immigrants. This is disgraceful but unsurprising.”

"Farmworker Justice condemns President Trump's pardon of Arpaio because it is a blatant attack on the constitutional rights of Latinos and immigrants and a dangerous encouragement of lawless action that intentionally harms people of color and immigrants and promotes white supremacy. Trump's actions and statements directly affect farmworker families. The large majority of farmworkers — the people who produce our food — are ethnic and racial minorities and immigrants," said Bruce Goldstein, President, Farmworker Justice. 

Read moreLatino Leaders: Presidential Pardon of Sheriff Arpaio an Insult and an Affront to the Latino and Immigrant Communities

Farmworker Justice Condemns the Content and the Intent of the RAISE Act

Farmworker Justice opposes the proposed RAISE Act introduced by Sen. Perdue of Georgia and Sen. Cotton of Arkansas with the support of President Trump.  If enacted, the bill would substantially restrict immigration and deprive families of the opportunity to be together and contribute to this nation.  The underlying message of this bill is to scapegoat immigrants for the problems this country faces.  Demonizing immigrants is intended to distract us from the constructive solutions that are needed. 

Any immigration policy proposal needs to take into account the agricultural system’s dependence on the highly-productive, honorable labor of immigrants, a majority of whom currently lack authorized immigration status.  Farmworkers possess skills and experience that our economy needs.  The bill’s sponsors claim they want to focus on allowing “ultra high-skilled” people to obtain some visas, but this economy and our society benefits from immigrants in all walks of life. This bill does nothing to address the reality that hundreds of thousands of farmworkers who produce our food and contribute to rural communities are living and working under the threat of arrest, deportation and separation of their families. 

Congress should ensure the stability of the farm labor force and security of our food supply by granting undocumented farmworkers the opportunity to earn immigration status and citizenship.  Employers should improve wages and working conditions to attract and retain farmworkers, and some are doing so.  If additional farmworkers are needed in the future for our farms and ranches to produce our food, they should have the opportunity to enter this country as immigrants and the opportunity to become citizens with economic freedom and democratic rights.

Read moreFarmworker Justice Condemns the Content and the Intent of the RAISE Act