
April 30 2020

Good afternoon. My name is Alexis Guild. I am the Director of Health Policy and Programs at Farmworker Justice. Farmworker Justice is a national farmworker advocacy organization based in Washington, DC. We appreciate the opportunity to be here today to … Read more Farmworker Justice Press Statement for EWG Press Call on Rep. Khanna and Sen. Warren’s Essential Workers Bill of Rights

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April 21 2020

President Trump’s announcement of a planned executive order to suspend all immigration reportedly will NOT terminate visa processing and hiring of agricultural guestworkers under the H-2A temporary foreign agricultural worker program.  In fact, the Trump Administration has issued a series … Read more Farmworker Justice Statement on Trump’s Suspension of Immigration: Agricultural Guestworkers Are Exception and Are Subjected to Dangerous Risks of Exposure to COVID-19 Without Health Care

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March 25 2020

The Trump Administration granted the demand of agricultural employers to have US consulates in Mexico process H-2A agricultural guestworker visas during the COVID-19 pandemic despite halting most other visa processes.  But we have not seen evidence that the Administration is … Read more Farmworker Advocates Seek Protections Against COVID-19 for Agricultural Guestworkers

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March 20 2020

As rural communities brace for the arrival of the novel coronavirus, a coalition of organizations representing rural communities is urging the administration to ensure that the rural health care system has adequate resources and support to respond to this crisis. … Read more Unique Coalition Seeks Administration’s Support on Rural Health Care in COVID-19 Crisis

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March 17 2020

         Farmworker Justice is collaborating with farmworker-serving organizations and many other organizations to help farmworker families confront the very serious challenges caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.  We are gathering information and devising strategies to help farmworkers and their organizations advance solutions … Read more Farmworker Justice Statement: Our Dedication to Helping Farmworker Families Confront the Challenges of COVID-19

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February 27 2020

On September 24, Farmworker Justice, on behalf of 42 organizations, submitted to the US Department of Labor a 165-page comment and numerous exhibits responding to the DOL’s proposed changes to the H-2A temporary foreign agricultural worker program. Farmworker Justice staff … Read more Farmworker Advocates Coalition Submits Comments on Major Trump Administration Proposal re Agricultural Guestworkers

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January 13 2020

Department of Labor Adopts Illegal Legal Interpretation Allowing Businesses to Escape Responsibility for Paying Minimum Wage by Using Subcontracting and Other Contingent-Labor Arrangements                 The U.S. Department of Labor on Sunday announced a new policy that will be published in the … Read more Farmworker Justice Statement on the U.S. Department of Labor’s New “Joint Employer” Interpretation under the Fair Labor Standards Act

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November 21 2019

  Farmworker Justice Statement on Vote to Approve Agricultural Worker Immigration Bill by House Judiciary Committee Farmworker Justice appreciates the markup and the vote by the House Committee on the Judiciary on November 21 to support passage of the Farm Workforce Modernization … Read more Farmworker Justice Statement on Vote to Approve Agricultural Worker Immigration Bill by House Judiciary Committee

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October 30 2019

Farmworker Justice Statement on House Agricultural Immigration Reform Bill (Washington, DC)   Today, Reps. Zoe Lofgren (D-CA) and Dan Newhouse (R-WA), introduced the “Farm Workforce Modernization Act of 2019.”  This bipartisan legislation was the result of complex negotiations between members of … Read more Farmworker Justice Statement on House Agricultural Immigration Reform Bill

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