
October 14 2020

October 14, 2020 Bruce Goldstein Iris Figueroa   The United Farm Workers and the UFW Foundation on Tuesday evening filed a federal lawsuit requesting a temporary restraining order to stop the Trump Administration from cancelling a wage survey … Read more Lawsuit Seeks to Overturn Trump Administration Cancellation of USDA Wage Survey That Protects Tens of Thousands of Farmworkers’ Wages

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September 30 2020

September 30, 2020–Today the U.S. Department of Agriculture cancelled the Farm Labor Survey of agricultural employers that is used by the Department of Labor to set the main minimum wage under the H-2A agricultural guestworker program.  It will not collect … Read more Trump Administration Cancels USDA Wage Survey; Tens of Thousands of Farmworkers Will Suffer Massive Wage Cuts

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July 16 2020

More than three months after receiving a request to protect domestic and foreign farmworkers under the H-2A agricultural guestworker program from COVID-19, the Department of Labor (DOL) finally responded and refused to issue any of the requested job safety requirements. … Read more As COVID-19 Cases Soar, Trump Administration Rejects Requests for Safety Protections for Farmworkers under H-2A Agricultural Guestworker Program

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June 23 2020

“Farmworker Justice strongly supports Sen. Jeff Merkley’s introduction of the Frontline At-Risk Manual (FARM) Laborers Protection Act to help protect farmworkers and their family members from COVID-19. As essential workers in the food sector, farmworkers are expected to go to … Read more Farmworker Justice Statement in Support of Senate Bill on COVID-19 & Farmworkers: Sen. Merkley’s Frontline At-Risk Manual (FARM) Laborers Protection Act

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June 02 2020

Farmworker Justice condemns the murder of George Floyd by police officers in Minneapolis and expresses its condolences to Mr. Floyd’s family.  The Farmworker Justice Board and staff stand in solidarity with the Black community in its demands for justice in … Read more Statement of Farmworker Justice On the Murder of George Floyd and the Demand for Racial Justice

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May 28 2020

Thursday, 28 May 2020 Today, the leaders of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration in the U.S. Department of Labor and the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health in the CDC at the U.S. Department of Health and Human … Read more Farmworker Justice Statement on Trump Administration Testimony by OSHA and NIOSH before the House Education and Labor Committee

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May 22 2020

To protect farmworkers from the risks posed by COVID-19 and support food supply chains, Congress should tap funds from the Commodity Credit Corporation to ensure farmworkers are protected. “Thanks to the leadership of Speaker Pelosi, the Heroes Act would provide … Read more Congress Should Tap CCC Funds To Protect Farmworkers

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May 21 2020

  The USDA and the FDA announced on Tuesday an agreement between the agencies to collaborate to keep farms and food processing companies running during the pandemic.  The MOU anticipates the potential for disruptions in the harvests of fruits and … Read more Farmworker Justice Statement on USDA-FDA MOU to Keep Farms & Packing Houses Running Despite Worker Illness from the Pandemic

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May 12 2020

We are organizations representing the interests of the estimated two to three million US farmworkers, officially deemed “essential workers” by the federal government but denied the aid, rights and protections needed to mitigate the risks of the COVID-19 pandemic. Farmworkers … Read more Farmworker Justice and Other Organizations Send Letter of Support to Congress Advocating for Farmworker Priorities in Next CARES Bill

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May 08 2020

Friday, 08 May 2020 For Immediate Release May 8, 2020                                                                            Bruce Goldstein Washington , D.C.                                                           New Farmworker Justice Report Quantifies Wage Loss to Tens of Thousands of Farmworkers in Proposal in Congress and the Administration             Farmworker Justice, the … Read more New Farmworker Justice Report Quantifies Wage Loss to Tens of Thousands of Farmworkers in Proposal in Congress and the Administration

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