
June 27 2013

Farmworker Justice Statement Following Senate Passage of Border Security, Economic Opportunity, and Immigration Modernization Act “We’re one step closer to fixing our broken immigration policy and modernizing agricultural labor relations,” the president of Farmworker Justice said today after the Senate … Read more Senate Immigration Compromise: A Step Forward for Farmworkers

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June 27 2013

Today at 4pm ET, the Senate will conclude debate and cast the final vote on its comprehensive immigration reform bill, S. 744. There will be a series of procedural votes beforehand. Majority Leader Reid requested that Senators cast their votes … Read more Final Vote Today on S.744 & Update on Chambliss’ Amendments

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June 26 2013

The final vote on the Senate comprehensive immigration reform bill, S. 744, may be as early as tomorrow morning. Now is the time to call your Senators and tell them to pass comprehensive immigration reform. Please call TODAY. You can … Read more Immigration Reform Update & Final Vote Alert

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June 25 2013

Sen. Chambliss has filed a slew of amendments designed to make the already difficult lives of farmworkers even more difficult. These amendments would reopen the tough and delicate agricultural immigration compromise reached between agricultural employers from around the country and … Read more ACTION ALERT: Urge Your Senators to Oppose All Chambliss Amendments

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June 21 2013

The House Judiciary Committee narrowly passed an amended version of the “Agricultural Guestworker Act” sponsored by Committee Chair Robert Goodlatte (R-VA). This legislation is fundamentally anti-immigrant and anti-worker and will make life worse for hundreds of thousands of farmworkers already … Read more Guestworker Bill Approved by House Judiciary Committee Is Anti-Immigrant and Anti-Worker

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June 19 2013

 Legislation likely to be approved by the House Judiciary Committee today will make life worse for hundreds of thousands of farmworkers – many of them U.S. citizens – already in this country and working in the fields, while denying current … Read more Farmworker Justice Statement on Rep. Goodlatte’s Immigration Bill Markup by House Committee on Judiciary

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June 18 2013

A new report profiling American farmworkers and their stories dispels the myth that U.S. workers do not take jobs as farmworkers. Who Works the Fields? The Stories of Americans Who Feed Us offers a sampling of stories from both U.S. citizens … Read more New Farmworker Justice Report Profiles Americans Working in Agriculture

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June 18 2013

Please call the Members of Congress on the House Judiciary Committee, especially if they represent your district. The list is below. Tell them to OPPOSE the Goodlatte “Agricultural Guestworker Act,” H.R. 1773. On Wednesday, the House Judiciary Committee will hold … Read more Action Alert: We need your voice to help oppose Goodlatte’s Agricultural Guestworker Act H.R. 1773

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May 22 2013

The Senate Judiciary Committee finished debating and amending the immigration bill drafted by the Senate’s bipartisan “Gang of Eight.” The Committee then voted to approve and send to the floor of the Senate the amended version of the Border Security, … Read more Farmworker Justice Statement on the Senate Judiciary Committee Passing S.744

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May 16 2013

Following a subcommittee hearing of the House Judiciary Committee focused on the implications of H.R. 1773, the “Agricultural Guestworker Act,” sponsored by Bob Goodlatte (R-Va.), Farmworker Justice President Bruce Goldstein made the following statement: “This bill will only serve to … Read more Agricultural Guestworker Act Would Harm Farmworkers and Aggravate Existing Problems in Agricultural Labor

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