
October 07 2013

On October 8th, Farmworker Justice’s President Bruce Goldstein will join tens of thousands of individuals and families in the “Camino Americano” on the National Mall. The rally, concert and march will draw attention to Congress’ failure to address our broken … Read more Farmworker Justice to Join Thousands on National Mall for Immigration Reform

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October 02 2013

Farmworker Justice today praised the introduction of a comprehensive immigration reform bill by House Democrats to build momentum to reform the country’s broken immigration system. Bruce Goldstein, the president of Farmworker Justice, said the bill builds constructively upon measures included … Read more Farmworker Justice Applauds House Democrats’ Effort to Advance Immigration Reform

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September 30 2013

Citizenship path Regarding "Do something!" (A modest fix before immigration reform), the editorial correctly admits that comprehensive immigration reform is the only way to truly solve the labor problems that we face in agriculture, but it fails to sufficiently address … Read more Citizenship path: Letter to the Editor in Houston Chronicle

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September 23 2013

As the debate over our nation’s immigration policy takes center stage, Rep. Mike Thompson (D-St. Helena) of Napa County has the opportunity to help shape a new national immigration policy that improves conditions for farmworkers, agricultural employers, and consumers in … Read more Op Ed in Napa Valley Register: Rep. Thompson’s opportunity to move agriculture in right direction

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August 29 2013

OXNARD, Calif. – More than a decade after Latino parents filed a civil rights complaint with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) detailing the dangerous levels of pesticides at Latino public schools throughout California, they continue to experience racial discrimination. … Read more EPA Failure to Address Discrimination of California Latino Schoolchildren: Lawsuit Filed to Remedy EPA’s Civil Rights Program

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August 27 2013

Bruce Goldstein, president of Farmworker Justice, was awarded the Lifetime Achievement Award from MAFO, A National Partnership of Farmworker and Rural Organizations, this February. MAFO highlighted Mr. Goldstein’s work in litigation and advocacy on immigration issues and labor law, particularly … Read more Farmworker Justice President Bruce Goldstein’s MAFO Lifetime Achievement Award Recognized by D.C. Bar Association

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August 21 2013

As the debate over immigration policy takes center stage and lawmakers in the Senate pursue the hard work of compromise, Rep.Chris Gibson, R-Kinderhook, has a choice. He can support immigration policy that improves conditions for farmworkers, agricultural employers and consumers, … Read more Farmworker Justice OpEd: Rep. Gibson (NY) Has A Choice

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July 25 2013

On July 24th, a coalition of farmworker, public health, and conservation advocates filed a challenge in the Ninth Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals to force the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to protect children from unsafe exposures to toxic pesticides. The … Read more Advocates Challenge EPA’s Continuing Failure to Protect Children and Families From Hazardous Pesticide Drift

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July 15 2013

Our new report exposes the serious health risks faced by thousands of farmworkers each year from pesticide exposure, and the failings of workplace regulations and standards to prevent the high rate of pesticide-related injuries, illnesses and deaths. Exposed and Ignored: … Read more New Farmworker Justice Report Profiles Dangers of Pesticide Poisoning & Offers Recommendations for EPA Action

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July 01 2013

In the Richmond Times-Dispatch Saturday, there are two op-eds regarding agricultural worker immigration policy and the Agricultural Guestworker Act, authored by Rep. Goodlatte (R-VA), and passed by the House Judiciary Committee.  In the first op-ed, Farmworker Justice President Bruce Goldstein … Read more Richmond Times-Dispatch Op-Ed by Bruce Goldstein: Goodlatte Bill moves agriculture in wrong direction

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