
December 12 2013

Thirty years after passage of the Migrant and Seasonal Agricultural Worker Protection Act (“AWPA” or “MSPA”), a new report issued today says the law has proven critically important to preventing wage theft and dangerous working and living conditions for many … Read more New Report Outlines History of AWPA, Farmworkers’ Poor Conditions and Recommendations for Achieving the Law’s Goals

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December 04 2013

Migrant farmworkers, particularly hand-harvest laborers, are frequently paid less than the minimum wage. Many growers rely on shady farm labor contractors to recruit workers, and then assert that the farm labor contractor – not the grower – is the employer, … Read more The Hill OpEd: Don’t weaken labor law’s ‘hot goods’ provision

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November 22 2013

The latest edition of the Eye on Farmworker Health newsletter is now available. Farmworker Justice monitors the on-going research involving health topics and farmworkers. In this newsletter, we provide summaries of the academic research articles and a timely policy analysis. … Read more Latest Research on Farmworkers & Health

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November 15 2013

In this edition of Farmworker Justice's  Health Policy Bulletin, we focus on connecting farmworker women to healthcare. Included are articles about HIV prevention, ensuring access  through the Affordable Care Act, connecting community leaders to health centers, and an introduction to … Read more Connecting Farmworker Women to Healthcare : New Farmworker Justice Health Policy Newsletter Now Available

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November 15 2013

This Miami Herald op-ed by labor historian Peter Cole argues against depriving agricultural workers of an important tool to enforce the minimum wage under the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938. The U.S. Department of Labor may request a court … Read more Miami Herald OpEd: Don’t weaken fair labor standards

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November 14 2013

Yesterday, House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) told reporters that he would not consider the bipartisan Senate immigration reform legislation passed in June, saying: “We have no intention of ever going to conference on the Senate bill.” Farmworker Justice urges Boehner … Read more House Speaker Boehner’s Refusal to Move Forward on Immigration Reform is Unacceptable

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November 11 2013

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) took important steps this week to revise protections for farmworkers exposed to pesticides by submitting an updated Worker Protection Standard to the White House Office of Management & Budget (OMB) for review. Pesticide exposure causes … Read more EPA Proposes New Worker Protections for Pesticide Safety Following Pressure from Farmworker Advocates

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October 15 2013

Farmworker Justice and the United Farm Workers, with more than 200 other organizations, sent a letter to House members today stating their opposition to the anti-immigrant and anti-worker approach to immigration reform in Representative Bob Goodlatte’s Agricultural Guestworker Act, HR … Read more More than 200 Organizations Sign on to Letter Opposing Rep. Goodlatte’s Immigration Bill

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October 15 2013

Sheep rancher Max Fernandez and the Western Range Association (“WRA”) have settled a federal lawsuit brought by three workers charging Fernandez and WRA with wage violations and accusing Fernandez of violations of federal labor trafficking laws. The settlement provides the … Read more Washington Rancher and Western Range Association Agree to Settle Workers’ Charges of Abuse and Exploitation

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October 08 2013

Farmworker Justice President Bruce Goldstein was one of 200 representatives of immigrant rights groups arrested today on Capitol Hill during the March for Immigrant Dignity and Respect. The event brought together tens of thousands of individuals and families who called … Read more Immigration Reform Advocates, including Farmworker Justice President, Arrested on Capitol Hill Today

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