
April 03 2014

Today we celebrate an important victory in the fight for migrant workers' rights. Thomas Perez, U.S. Secretary of Labor, and Alfonso Navarrete Prida, Secretary of Labor and Social Welfare for Mexico, will meet face-to-face for the first time. They will … Read more U.S. and Mexico Labor Secretaries Meet to Discuss Guestworker Abuses

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April 02 2014

Earlier this week, EPA announced their response to a lawsuit pressing them to better protect children from health-harming pesticides that drift from fields in rural areas. Meeting a legal deadline, the agency acknowledged “children may experience higher levels of pesticide … Read more EPA fails again to protect children from pesticide drift

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March 27 2014

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Wednesday, Mar. 26th, 2014 CONTACT Sarah Christiano 202-789-7769 Farmworker Justice Supports House Democrats’ Discharge Petition to Prompt House to Act on Immigration Washington, DC – House Democrats today filed a discharge petition on legislation that should … Read more Farmworker Justice Supports House Democrats’ Discharge Petition to Prompt House to Act on Immigration

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March 24 2014

The American Coalition for Immigration Reform and the Partnership for a New American Economy, a bipartisan pro-immigration reform group of mayors and business leaders, released a report on Tuesday, “No Longer Home Grown: How Labor Shortages are Increasing America’s Reliance … Read more New Agribusiness Report Correctly Calls for Immigration Reform But Contains Flawed Analysis

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March 14 2014

Farmworker Justice applauds Rep. Michelle Lujan Grisham’s (NM) introduction of The Health Equity & Access under the Law (HEAL) for Immigrant Women & Families Act. The HEAL Immigrant Women & Families Act would reduce barriers to accessing healthcare for certain … Read more Farmworker Justice’s Statement on the HEAL Immigrant Women & Families Act

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March 13 2014

Instead of taking up comprehensive immigration reform, the House is choosing to focus its time on attacking the President’s executive authority to enforce the laws, which includes a specific censure of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program. Yesterday, … Read more The House has Time to Attack DACA While Ignoring Urgent Need for Immigration Reform

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February 20 2014

The EPA today proposed strengthening the Worker Protection Standard, which has not been updated in more than twenty years, to address many agricultural pesticide safety concerns. The federal Worker Protection Standard, first adopted by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency in … Read more New Safeguards Seek to Protect Farmworkers from Pesticides

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January 31 2014

The House Republicans’ immigration reform principles are an encouraging step forward in the necessary process to address a broken immigration system. But they mistakenly neglect the importance of opening up a path for hard-working immigrant families already in this country … Read more House Republican Immigration Principles Are a Step Forward, But Still Incomplete

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January 30 2014

Farmworkers and their advocates welcomed news that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency will soon propose revisions to the Worker Protection Standard (WPS), which provides minimal workplace protections against pesticide exposures for farmworkers. A coalition of farmworker, public health, and other … Read more Farmworker Organizations Applaud Progress on Updating Weak Worker Protections

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December 23 2013

Learn how Farmworker Justice helps farmworkers improve their living and working conditions. Highlights include: Immigration Reform Update: Committed Until Reform becomes a Reality Victory for Farmworkers: Remedying Systematic Labor Abuses Confronted by Farmworkers Farmworker Justice Announces New Health Initiative : … Read more Fall/Winter 2013 Newsetter now available: Keep up with the latest farmworker developments

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