
November 21 2014

Washington, DC – Farmworker Justice applauds President Obama for taking action to address our broken immigration system. Farmworker Justice has been helping farmworker organizations advocate for a more just immigration system because immigration policy has profound impacts on farmworkers, their … Read more Farmworker Justice Statement on President Obama’s Announcement of Executive Action on Immigration

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November 06 2014

There are remarkably few data sets about the demographic and economic characteristics of farmworkers. Among the few studies that do exist, many have significant shortcomings. One of the better sources for over 20 years has been the National Agricultural Workers … Read more New from Farmworker Justice: Memo on Farmworker Economic and Demographic Statistics

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October 14 2014

The simple family farmer in the folk song “Old McDonald’s Farm” tended alone to his animals; he didn’t hire any farmworkers. Much has changed since the era of Old McDonald, yet today’s farming corporations often claim they don’t “employ” any … Read more OpEd in The Hill: Old McDonald had a farm and a hamburger joint – but no employees

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October 06 2014

The head of a national farmworker rights group defends the U.S. Department of Labor's actions in the case involving three Oregon blueberry growers. How about a little bit of objectivity when it comes to farm operators that deprive hard-working farmworkers … Read more Capital Press Letter to the Editor: Farmworker pay case not ‘extortion’

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September 09 2014

Farmworker Justice is deeply disappointed in President Obama's delay of anticipated administrative relief to fix our broken immigration system. In June, after the House of Representative’s failure to pass needed immigration legislation, the President had announced that he would take … Read more Farmworker Justice’s Statement on Obama’s Delay of Administrative Relief

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August 19 2014

Farmworkers, public health advocates, labor organizations, and public officials, were among the more than 175,000 who submitted comments to the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) calling on the agency to strengthen its Agricultural Worker Protection Standard (WPS). The WPS … Read more More Than 175,000 People Call for Stronger Workplace Protections for Farmworkers

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August 11 2014

About 2.5 million men and women work on our nation’s farms and ranches; nobody knows how many of them are laboring on Monroe County’s more than 450 farms. It is hard work, made worse by our inhumane national immigration system … Read more Democrat & Chronicle Op Ed: Farmworkers are mistreated

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July 31 2014

Farmworker Justice President Bruce Goldstein participated in a White House press conference Thursday where President Obama signed a new Executive Order governing labor practices by federal contractors that could benefit American farmworkers, whose existing labor protections are often violated. The … Read more FARMWORKER JUSTICE APPLAUDS EXECUTIVE ORDER WHICH MAY STRENGTHEN PROTECTIONS FOR AGRICULTURAL WORKERS

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July 30 2014

The House Agriculture Subcommittee on Horticulture, Research, Biotechnology, and Foreign Agriculture held a hearing today on the Labor Department’s enforcement of the minimum wage for farmworkers using the so-called “hot goods” section of the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). Some … Read more Rural House Members Pressure Labor Department to Stop Enforcing ‘Hot Goods’ Provision on Farm Produce

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July 23 2014

Re "Airport, ACLU tussle over ads" (Our Region, July 21): The decision of Sacramento International Airport to not run the informational ads of the California Endowment regarding denial of health care coverage for undocumented immigrants is unjust and deplorable. As … Read more Airport wrong on immigrant health ads: Farmworker Justice Board of Directors Vice Chair’s Letter to the Editor

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