
May 28 2015

Learn how Farmworker Justice helps farmworkers improve their living and working conditions. Highlights include: Immigration Update: Preparing for Deferred Action Implementation Keep Up Pressure to Protect Farmworkers from Pesticides Connecting Farmworker Leaders and Migrant Health Centers Increasing Farmworker Engagement with … Read more Spring/Summer 2015 Farmworker Justice News Now Available

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May 27 2015

Farmworker Justice is deeply disappointed by the 5th Circuit’s decision yesterday to deny the Department of Justice’s request to stay the temporary injunction of DAPA and expanded DACA. This decision means continued delays in the implementation of the expanded DACA … Read more Temporary Injunction Remains in Place for Now with 5th Circuit Divided Decision to Deny of DOJ’s Request for Stay

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May 01 2015

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) received a strong message from labor, community, and environmental health groups as well as more than 160,000 people, calling for a ban on the widely-used neurotoxic pesticide chlorpyrifos that interferes with brain development in fetuses, … Read more Groups, along with more than 150,000 Individuals, Call for Ban on Dangerous Pesticides

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April 30 2015

The federal employment laws meant to provide protection for agricultural workers need more enforcement in order to improve the conditions in our fields, according to a new report released today. The report by Farmworker Justice analyzes the Department of Labor’s … Read more New Report by Farmworker Justice Reviews Dept. of Labor Enforcement in Agriculture

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April 29 2015

Most people who assist migrant farmworkers agree with David Winkles of the Farm Bureau that Congress should reform the immigration laws (April 20, “S.C. agriculture needs immigration reform”). But we disagree with the specifics in his op-ed. The current agricultural … Read more Letter to the Editor: Migrant Farmworkers Need Stronger Protections

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March 31 2015

We couldn’t disagree more with the contention that the Bracero program was “one of the most successful programs of all times” (“Bring on the Guest Workers” by William McGurn, Main Street, March 24). The Bracero program, which began during World … Read more Wall Street Journal LTE: Guest Workers and the Bracero Model

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March 03 2015

The House Judiciary Committee will mark-up four punitive, one-sided immigration bills this week. The four bills revive previously-failed bills. If they were to pass, they would deepen the problems of our broken immigration system. They are: Rep. Trey Gowdy’s (R-SC) … Read more House Judiciary Committee Still Playing Cruel Games with Immigration

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February 17 2015

A very conservative, outspoken federal judge yesterday issued a temporary order blocking the Federal Government from implementing the President’s deferred action programs that were announced on November 20, 2014, known as DAPA and expanded DACA. The not unexpected ruling held … Read more President Obama’s Executive Immigration Actions Will Prevail, Despite Temporary Obstacle Presented by Court Decision

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January 13 2015

Washington, DC – Farmworker Justice opposes amendments to the appropriations bill for the Department of Homeland Security (H.R. 240) that seek to prevent the Administration from implementing President Obama’s immigration executive actions, which are urgently needed to protect immigrant families, … Read more Farmworker Justice opposes anti-immigrant amendments to Homeland Security Appropriations bill

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December 23 2014

Learn how Farmworker Justice helps farmworkers improve their living and working conditions. Highlights include:   – Immigration Reform Update: Deferred Deportation and Farmworkers – Victory for Farmworkers: Remedying Systematic Labor Abuses Confronted by Farmworkers – The Affordable Care Act Open … Read more Fall/Winter 2014 Farmworker Justice News Now Available

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