
August 13 2016

Your editorial on immigration policy is an encouraging signal reflecting common sense and an informed opinion during a policy debate that often lacks both (“To grow economy, Maine needs more immigrants,” Aug. 8). As labor advocates for farmworkers, we know … Read more LTE: Undocumented deserve a path to citizenship

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August 04 2016

The article “Ag issues crop up in Gardner’s tour” quotes a farm operator who suggests that problems in the H-2A agricultural guest worker program should be solved by turning the program over to the U.S. Department of Agriculture. The USDA … Read more Letter to the Editor: Congress Should Pass Immigration Reform

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June 23 2016

Today, the Supreme Court ruled against the Obama Administration’s executive action on immigration. The Court announced that the eight Justices were split 4-4 in U.S. v. Texas, and consequently the lower court rulings against the Administration remain in place. The … Read more Disappointing Loss: U.S. Supreme Court Punts on Obama Immigration Action, Leaving Injunction Against DAPA/Expanded DACA Programs in Place

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May 25 2016

The newest Farmworker Justice Newsletter contains timely updates on our immigration work, a new skin cancer prevention project, an update on the progress of the Equitable Food Initiative and much more. 

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May 23 2016

The dangers to farmworkers from exposure to pesticides in the fields were noted only parenthetically in the May 18 Food article “Is organic farming really better for the environment?” Pesticides poison not only farmworkers in the fields but also their … Read more Washington Post LTE: Farmworker Health Deserves Attention

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April 02 2016

Many farmworkers in the United States are paid the minimum wage and therefore will benefit from the minimum wage increases that California and New York plan to adopt. Farmworker Justice applauds California’s and New York State’s actions and all of … Read more Farmworker Justice Statement: California and New York minimum wage increases will benefit many farmworkers, but more progress is needed

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March 27 2016

Farmworker Justice is celebrating National Farmworker Awareness Week from March 24 to March 31st. Follow our blog as we highlight issues farmworkers face. We will be featuring guest bloggers and videos on 8 different themes.  Farmworkers feed the world- 85% of … Read more National Farmworker Awareness Week–Join us on the blog

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March 17 2016

Farmworker Justice condemns the House vote to allow House Speaker Paul Ryan to appear as amicus curiae on behalf of the House of Representatives in the Supreme Court case U.S. v. Texas. This case, which will decide the legality the … Read more Farmworker Justice condemns House vote to file amicus in DAPA/DACA Supreme Court case

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February 01 2016

Farmworker Justice has been awarded a two-year grant from the Bristol-Myers Squibb Foundation Specialty Care for Vulnerable Populations® Initiative to implement a community mobilization project that will promote community integration and reduce the impact of skin cancer among farmworkers and … Read more Farmworker Justice Awarded Skin Cancer Prevention Grant from Bristol-Myers Squibb Foundation

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January 30 2016

This week NPR aired a story "Guest Workers, Legal Yet Not Quite Free, Pick Florida's Oranges” that featured an H-2A worker, otherwise known as an agricultural guestworker. In an interview at the beginning of the program, a grower of Florida … Read more Digging Deeper: The real reason the H-2A program is expanding in Florida

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