
March 21 2019

Federal Court Rejects Growers’ Demands for Nationwide Wage Cut For Farmworkers at Employers under H-2A Agricultural Guestworker Program A federal judge in Washington, D.C. has rejected the request by an agricultural employer association for a nationwide injunction to reduce the … Read more Federal Court Rejects Growers’ Wage Lawsuit

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March 15 2019

For Immediate Release— March 8, 2018           Contact: Andrea Delgado, Healthy Communities Legislative director, 202-230-6592 Virginia Ruiz, Farmworker Justice, 202-800-2520 Leydy Rangel, United Farm Workers, 760-899-4604 Farmworker and pesticide protections saved Farmworker and environmental health advocates praise Senate for preserving pesticide … Read more Farmworker and Pesticide Protections Saved

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February 07 2019

Farmworker Justice Strongly Supports the “Fairness for Farm Workers Act of 2019” on Overtime Pay and the Minimum Wage Farmworker Justice applauds Senator Harris and Representative Grijalva for their leadership in the introduction of the “Fairness for Farm Workers Act … Read more Farmworker Justice Statement on Fairness for Farm Workers Act of 2019

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February 07 2019

Farmworker Justice Strongly Supports the “Fairness for Farm Workers Act of 2019” on Overtime Pay and the Minimum Wage Farmworker Justice applauds Senator Harris and Representative Grijalva for their leadership in the introduction of the “Fairness for Farm Workers Act … Read more Fairness for Farm Workers Act of 2019

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February 01 2019

Below is a press release issued yesterday on the New Jersey legislature's decision to exclude farmworkers from the gradual increase to a $15 minimum wage.  You can take action: send a message to the Governor via email at  and phone at 1-609-292-6000, … Read more Farmworker Justice Asks New Jersey Governor Murphy to Reject the Minimum Wage Legislation’s Discrimination Against Farmworkers

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January 17 2019

For Immediate Release                Contact: Bruce Goldstein, Farmworker Justice January 17, 2019                              202-293-5420 ext. 304 Statement of Farmworker Justice on the Introduction of The  Agricultural Worker program Act of 2019 Bill would stabilize farm labor force, provide protections for immigrant farmworkers (washington, … Read more Statement of Farmworker Justice on the Introduction of the Agricultural Worker Program Act of 2019

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November 07 2018

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                 Contact:  Bruce Goldstein, President November 7, 2018                            (202) 293-5420 David Damian Figueroa, respected non-profit leader, activist … Read more Longtime Farmworker Advocate David Damian Figueroa to Lead Strategic Development at Farmworker Justice

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July 26 2018

The House Appropriations Committee today, in the spending bill for the Department of Homeland Security, inserted a fundamental, substantive policy change to the H-2A temporary foreign agricultural worker program. The amendment would expand the scope of the H-2A program to … Read more Farmworker Justice Condemns House Amendment to the DHS Appropriations Bill Expanding the H-2A Agricultural Guestworker Program to Year-Round Jobs

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July 26 2018

The House Appropriations Committee today, in the spending bill for the Department of Homeland Security, inserted a fundamental, substantive policy change to the H-2A temporary foreign agricultural worker program. The amendment would expand the scope of the H-2A program to … Read more Farmworker Justice Condemns House Amendment to the DHS Appropriations Bill Expanding the H-2A Agricultural Guestworker Program to Year-Round Jobs

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