
LTE: Undocumented deserve a path to citizenship

Your editorial on immigration policy is an encouraging signal reflecting common sense and an informed opinion during a policy debate that often lacks both (“To grow economy, Maine needs more immigrants,” Aug. 8).

As labor advocates for farmworkers, we know that a path to immigration status and citizenship for the undocumented would benefit all workers. To address future labor needs, the editorial calls for “visa system … changes that make it easier for companies to match workers to jobs.” If we truly need additional workers, they should be offered an opportunity to become an immigrant and a citizen, not mere temporary visa workers beholden to a business owner. Immigration reform must be true to our democratic and economic freedoms.

Bruce Goldstein

Your editorial on immigration policy is an encouraging signal reflecting common sense and an informed opinion during a policy debate that often lacks both (“To grow economy, Maine needs more immigrants,” Aug. 8).

As labor advocates for farmworkers, we know that a path to immigration status and citizenship for the undocumented would benefit all workers. To address future labor needs, the editorial calls for “visa system … changes that make it easier for companies to match workers to jobs.” If we truly need additional workers, they should be offered an opportunity to become an immigrant and a citizen, not mere temporary visa workers beholden to a business owner. Immigration reform must be true to our democratic and economic freedoms.

Bruce Goldstein