
October 03 2014

Agriculture is an industry rife with abuse of workers. Because the majority of workers are undocumented, it makes it very difficult for farmworkers to enforce the few labor protections that cover them. In the absence of immigration reform or administrative … Read more Positive Developments for California Farmworkers and Other News

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September 19 2014

The past weeks have been extremely disappointing and disheartening for immigrant communities and immigration reform advocates. On September 6th, the White House announced a delay in President Obama’s plans for administrative action to address the broken immigration system, which he … Read more Farmworker Justice Immigration Update 9/19/14

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September 05 2014

As the summer comes to an end, President Obama has yet to announce his executive action to reform the broken immigration system. Instead, reports indicate that President Obama may delay the announcement of his executive action on immigration until after … Read more Immigration Update 9/5/14

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August 29 2014

When it comes to farm labor, immigration policy is labor policy.  So this Labor Day, let’s hope that our collective advocacy persuades the President to create a generous program that helps many farmworker families. President Obama plans to grant some … Read more Remembering Farmworkers This Labor Day

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August 18 2014

Today is the last day that the EPA will accept public comments on proposed revisions to the Worker Protection Standard (WPS) that provides the regulatory minimum for occupational pesticide exposure protection. Other workers who are exposed to toxic substances are … Read more Worker Protection Standard Comment Period Ends Tonight: Tell the EPA to Protect Farmworkers

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August 04 2014

Over the last few weeks of its legislative session before a 5-week long summer recess, the House enacted several anti-immigrant measures, even as they failed to provide needed reforms for our broken immigration system. The Humanitarian Crisis at the Border … Read more Farmworker Justice Immigration Update 8/4/2014

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August 01 2014

Democrats and Republicans rarely find common ground in Congress these days, but apparently attacking Department of Labor’s(DOL) efforts to protect our nation’s vulnerable farmworkers is one area in which they agree. On Wednesday, the House Agriculture Subcommittee on Horticulture, Research, … Read more Farmworker Justice Update 8/1: Hot Goods Hearing

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July 11 2014

On June 30th, President Obama announced that he plans to take executive action to reform our broken immigration system. The President’s remarks came after House Speaker Boehner told him that the House would not pursue a vote this year on … Read more Farmworker Justice Immigration Update 7/11/2014

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June 27 2014

One Year Anniversary of Senate Bill and Dimmed Hope for Congressional Immigration Reform Today marks the one year anniversary of the Senate passage of a bipartisan comprehensive immigration reform bill; but it is not a date to celebrate. Knowledgeable members … Read more Farmworker Justice Immigration Update 6/27/14

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June 13 2014

Farmworkers Arrested in Civil Disobedience Immigration reform advocates continue to engage in demonstrations and civil disobedience actions calling on House Republican Leadership to allow a vote on immigration legislation. On Wednesday, the UFW, Virginia Organizing and FIRM youth activists held … Read more Farmworker Justice Immigration Update 6/13/14

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