
November 20 2015

On One Year Anniversary of the President’s Executive Action, Immigrants Wait for Relief On November 20, 2014, in response to strong organizing and calls for relief by the immigrants’ rights community, President Obama announced a series of administrative actions aimed … Read more Farmworker Justice Immigration Update 11/20/2015

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November 10 2015

Yesterday, the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals issued its decision in Texas v. US, upholding the lower court’s order blocking the government from implementing DAPA and expanded DACA. One of the three judges, Judge Carolyn King, dissented from the majority … Read more Farmworker Justice Immigration Update 11/10/2015

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October 26 2015

Congress The Senate held a failed vote last Tuesday to move forward on Senator Vitter's (R-LA) “The Stop Sanctuary Cities Act.” The legislation proposed to strip federal funding for local law enforcement agencies with community trust policies that promote good … Read more Farmworker Justice Immigration Update 10/26/2015

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October 02 2015

The Pope calls for Immigration Reform and Boehner Quits Last week Pope Francis visited New York City, Philadelphia and Washington, DC where he spoke at the White House and to Congress. The Pope spoke passionately about welcoming immigrants and refugees … Read more Farmworker Justice Immigration Update 10/2/15

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September 25 2015

The Migration Policy Institute held a briefing on September 16, 2015 titled “ What's New in Farm Labor? Immigration and the Agricultural Sector.” A recording of the briefing can be found here. The speakers included Philip Martin, Chair, UC Comparative … Read more MPI Briefing on Farm Labor Highlights Recent Data Trends

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September 11 2015

Farmworker Justice Immigration Update Sept. 11, 2015 Congress Back in Session Congress returned from its August recess. Unfortunately, it is unlikely there will be much positive action on immigration for the rest of this year. In the few legislative days … Read more Farmworker Justice Immigration Update 9/11

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August 07 2015

H-2 Guestworker News BuzzFeed News published a must-read article on abuses of H-2 guestworkers, “The New American Slavery: Invited to the US, Foreign Workers Find a Nightmare.” The article highlights how the structure of the H-2A temporary agricultural guestworker program … Read more Farmworker Justice Immigration Update 8/07/2015

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July 20 2015

Updates on Administrative Relief: Oral Arguments in the Texas v. United States case and Post-Injunction 3-year Employment Authorization Documents under 2012 DACA On July 10, the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit listened to oral arguments regarding … Read more Farmworker Justice Immigration Update 7/20/15

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July 10 2015

Status of legal challenge to executive action on immigration Yet another 4th of July passed without immigration reform, depriving millions of aspiring Americans of an opportunity to come forward and obtain protection from deportation and the ability to live and … Read more Farmworker Justice Immigration Update 7/10/15

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June 12 2015

Status of Executive Action on Immigration Millions of aspiring Americans await resolution of the lawsuit against President Obama’s DAPA and expanded DACA programs. As we shared earlier, the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals denied the Obama Administration’s emergency request for … Read more Farmworker Justice Update 6/12/2015

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