
June 14 2016

Mourning the Victims of the Attack in Orlando Farmworker Justice extends its condolences to all those who have been affected by the terrorist, hate-inspired attack on innocent victims in Orlando. Businesses Lobby Against Worker Protections in the H-2 Programs As … Read more Farmworker Justice Immigration Update 6/14/16

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May 27 2016

Unprecedented growth in the H-2A program continues as does abuse of workers The Buzzfeed series on the H-2 programs has highlighted abuses of both guestworkers and domestic workers. Recently Buzzfeed published another great piece, “The Pushovers.” The article sharply criticized … Read more Farmworker Justice Immigration Update 5/27/16

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April 22 2016

Monday, April 18th, 2016 marked a historic day for the immigrants’ rights movement, when thousands of advocates nationwide traveled to the Supreme Court to rally in support of the Deferred Action for Parents of Americans and Lawful Permanent Residents (DAPA) … Read more Farmworker Justice Immigration Update 4/22/16

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April 15 2016

DAPA & the Supreme Court The Supreme Court will hear oral arguments in US v. Texas on Monday at 10:00am. The case will determine whether or not the Deferred Action for the Parents of Americans and Lawful Permanent Residents program … Read more Farmworker Justice Immigration Update: April 15, 2016

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March 04 2016

National Hispanic Leadership Agenda Issues Quadrennial Hispanic Public Policy Agenda Immigration policy is among the issues discussed in the report, subtitled “Blueprint for Advancing the Latino Community,” by the 40-organization coalition. Farmworker Justice is on the Board of Directors of … Read more Farmworker Justice Immigration Update 2/26/16

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January 30 2016

This week NPR aired a story "Guest Workers, Legal Yet Not Quite Free, Pick Florida's Oranges” that featured an H-2A worker, otherwise known as an agricultural guestworker. In an interview at the beginning of the program, a grower of Florida … Read more Digging Deeper: The Real Reason the H-2A Program is Expanding in Florida

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January 15 2016

Raids Unfortunately, the Department of Homeland Security brought in the new year with a campaign to aggressively round up immigrants from Central America- who are primarily women and children – for deportation. The Department of Homeland Security and President Obama … Read more Immigration Update 1/15/2016

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December 17 2015

Congress has come to a bipartisan agreement on a spending bill to fund the government for the rest of FY2016 and a tax bill that makes permanent some tax breaks for individuals and corporations. Farmworker Justice is extremely disappointed that … Read more 12/17 Immigration Update: Congress’s Spending Bill Will Remove Labor Protections from Guestworker Program

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November 25 2015

Several quality news articles in the past few weeks included stories that remind us of the hard work of the workers who plant, harvest and process our food. They also highlight challenges that farmworkers face as a result of poor … Read more Give thanks to farmworkers this Thanksgiving!

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November 20 2015

On One Year Anniversary of the President’s Executive Action, Immigrants Wait for Relief On November 20, 2014, in response to strong organizing and calls for relief by the immigrants’ rights community, President Obama announced a series of administrative actions aimed … Read more Farmworker Justice Immigration Update 11/20/2015

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