
April 26 2021

  House Passes the Farm Workforce Modernization Act  On March 18, 2021, the House passed the “Farm Workforce Modernization Act,” HR 1603 (FWMA), by a vote of 247-174. The bill resulted from long, difficult negotiations among Democrats, Republicans, agricultural employers, … Read more Farmworker Justice Update: April 26, 2021

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April 26 2021

By Isabel Gross, Project Coordinator for Occupational Safety and Health As a Peace Corps Volunteer in Guatemala, I lived and worked in an indigenous community where the women wore traditional dress and the primary language was Maya K’iche.  Although many … Read more Indigenous Farmworkers Face Unique Barriers to Healthcare – April 26, 2021

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February 09 2021

This post is the second in a series highlighting artists and communications experts who are working with Farmworker Justice to create COVID-19 informational materials. Click here to read the first post in the series. As explained in our previous post, … Read more Artists Combatting COVID-19 in Farmworker Communities—Part 2, Scott Braman and Paul Castro

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February 02 2021

This post is the first in a series highlighting artists who are working with FJ to create COVID-19 informational materials. Farmworkers have an average of an eighth-grade education,[1] and a growing number speak largely unwritten indigenous languages as their primary … Read more Artists Combatting COVID-19 in Farmworker Communities—Part 1, Salvador Sáenz

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January 14 2021

Farmworker Justice Update: January 14, 2021   Farmworker Justice Wins Another Victory for Farmworkers’ Wages  Farmworker Justice—along with co-counsel, Wilmer Hale, and plaintiffs, United Farm Workers and United Farm Workers Foundation—celebrated another victory in our ongoing litigation to protect farmworker … Read more Farmworker Justice Update: January 14, 2021

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December 17 2020

Litigation to Protect Farmworker Wages Continues  On behalf of United Farm Workers and United Farm Workers Foundation, Farmworker Justice continues to litigate two related cases—UFW v. Perdue and UFW v. U.S. Dept. of Labor—challenging the Trump administration’s attack on meaningful … Read more Farmworker Justice Update: December 17, 2020

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November 19 2020

Biden/Harris Win 2020 Presidential Election Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are now President-Elect and Vice President-Elect, respectively, winning the 2020 presidential election with a projected 306 electoral college votes compared to 232 for the Trump/Pence ticket. They won with a … Read more Farmworker Justice Update: November 19, 2020

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October 27 2020

A recent California study showed that farmworkers—despite being at elevated risk for contracting COVID-19—have less information about the disease, due to language barriers. The study also illuminated the difficulties farmworkers face in obtaining healthcare when they do fall ill. (Read … Read more “Poder en Salud”: Informing Farmworkers About COVID-19

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October 15 2020

U.S. Department of Agriculture Cancels the Farm Labor Survey In a notice published in the Federal Register on September 30, the National Agricultural Statistics Service—an agency within the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)—announced that it will cancel the Farm Labor … Read more Farmworker Justice Update: 10/15/2020

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September 18 2020

Congress Remains at an Impasse on COVID Relief Congress has yet to pass new legislation to address the coronavirus pandemic despite the continued health crisis and economic recession. Many of the protections and benefits created by the “CARES” Act, which … Read more Farmworker Justice Update: 9/18/2020

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