
April 11 2014

“For the first time in decades, the current generation isn’t as healthy as the one that came before.” The theme for day five of National Public Health Week is “Be the Healthiest Nation in One Generation” and is dedicated to … Read more Reversing America’s Declining Health Trend Means Focusing in Equity

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April 10 2014

The CDC estimates that each year roughly 1 in 6 Americans gets sick, 128,000 are hospitalized, and 3,000 die of foodborne illnesses. We’ve all seen the frightening consequences from fruits and vegetables contaminated with salmonella or listeria. Eating safe, healthy … Read more Farmworkers and our Food Safety System

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April 09 2014

Day three of National Public Health Week is entitled “Get Out Ahead!” and is dedicated to prevention as a national priority. Community and migrant health centers across the United States serve the preventative and primary health care needs of many … Read more National Public Health Week: Getting Ahead with Preventative Health Care

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April 08 2014

The theme for day 2 of 2014 National Public Health Week is disaster preparedness. In recent years, natural disasters in the U.S. have heightened awareness of both individual and community-wide strategies for best preparing for, surviving, and rebuilding after a … Read more National Public Health Week: Don’t Panic! Disaster Preparedness & Farmworkers

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April 07 2014

April 7th begins the 2014 National Public Health Week! Today’s theme, “Be healthy from the start,” is especially important when bringing awareness to the current state of farmworker health in this country. Today, we focus on farmworker children and access … Read more National Public Health Week: Be Healthy from the Start

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April 04 2014

Many people and organizations celebrated Monday, March 31st, Cesar Chavez’s birthday, which is a state holiday in California and Texas. Special events were held throughout the past week for his birthday and the March 28th release of the film, “Cesar … Read more Farmworker Justice Immigration Update 4/4/14

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March 31 2014

Jose is a 33-year-old farmworker from Puerto Rico who started working in agriculture at the age of 17. Throughout the years, Jose has traveled up and down the East Coast working in apple, peach, corn, lettuce, basil, celery, blackberry, pumpkin, … Read more Agricultural Exceptionalism: A History of Discrimination against Farmworkers in Labor Laws Results in Poverty for Farmworkers

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March 28 2014

Must-see Chavez Film Opens Today  The new must-see film about Cesar Chavez, “Cesar Chavez: History is Made One Step at a Time” opens tomorrow, March 27, 2014. The film portrays Cesar Chavez’s organizing campaign in California’s grape fields, highlighting the … Read more Farmworker Justice Immigration Update 3/28/14

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March 27 2014

Agricultural work is one of the most hazardous occupations in the U.S. Farmworkers suffer poor health outcomes due to their living and working conditions. Among the most common health issues in farmworker communities are diabetes, hypertension, musculoskeletal injuries, pesticide poisoning, … Read more Healthy Food Begins with Healthy Workers

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March 25 2014

Every day at the crack of dawn, farmworkers leave their homes to endure long difficult days cultivating and harvesting the food we all enjoy. Like undocumented workers across the country, many farmworkers leave their homes in fear—fear that they may … Read more Family Separation in America’s Fields

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