
February 10 2015

Farmworker Justice Welcomes Guest Bloggers from the  Housing Assistance Council : Lance George, Research Director, and Leslie Strauss, Senior Policy Analyst “Rural America’s Silent Housing Crisis,” an article in The Atlantic magazine’s February edition, describes the overlooked plight of rural families … Read more The Silent (And Invisible) Farmworker Housing Crisis

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February 05 2015

On Wednesday, February 4, 2015, the House Judiciary Subcommittee on Immigration and Border Security held a hearing on “The Legal Workforce Act.” The hearing focused on Rep. Lamar Smith’s (R-TX) E-verify bill, titled “The Legal Workforce Act” filed in the … Read more Republican Judiciary Committee Members Propose Same Old Failed Approach: E-verify Plus Harsh Guestworker Program as the Solution for Agriculture

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January 30 2015

Extended DACA Applications will be Accepted Starting February 18th The big news in immigration this week was that USCIS announced that it will begin accepting expanded DACA applications on February 18th. Under the expanded DACA guidelines, there will no longer … Read more Farmworker Justice Immigration Update 1/30/15

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January 16 2015

In the past few weeks, President Obama’s executive actions on immigration reform have been under attack in Congress and in the courts. You may recall that during the appropriations process late last year, a decision was made to fund DHS … Read more Farmworker Justice Immigration Update – 1/16/15

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December 19 2014

As the 113th Congress comes to an end, so does the closest chance that we have had to passing comprehensive immigration reform in over a decade. The prospects for immigration reform that includes a path to citizenship in the incoming … Read more 12/19/14 Farmworker Justice Immigration Update

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December 05 2014

Two weeks have passed since President Obama’s announcement of executive relief. Farmworker Justice, along with many individuals and organizations, is working hard to share information about the upcoming opportunity for deferred action through the new deferred action program for parents … Read more Farmworker Justice Immigration Update 12/05/2014

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November 21 2014

President Obama Announces Plan to Defer the Deportation of up to 5 Million Undocumented Persons Farmworker Justice applauds President Obama for taking positive executive action to address our broken immigration system. We celebrate with the hundreds of thousands of hard-working … Read more Farmworker Justice Immigration Update 11/20/2014

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November 19 2014

President Obama to Announce Executive Action on Immigration Tomorrow Evening The White House announced today via a statement and video that President Obama will announce his plans for executive action on immigration in a speech at 8:00pm ET Thursday evening. … Read more Farmworker Justice Immigration Policy Update Nov. 19, 2014

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November 07 2014

With the midterm elections over, all eyes are turned to the President to see what steps he will take to address our broken immigration system. As you may recall, in September President Obama announced a delay in his plans for … Read more Farmworker Justice Immigration Update 11/7/14

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November 05 2014

Starting in April 2015, individuals and families who file U.S. income taxes will have to provide information about their health insurance coverage to the IRS. Those individuals who do not have health insurance and do not qualify for an exemption … Read more It’s Not Too Early to Start Thinking About Tax Season, Especially When it Comes to the ACA

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